A Letter from Sacred Space 69's Co-Founder, Theresa
Welcome to Sacred Space 69 (SS69)!
What a great honor and blessing it is to be the source of Your Journey to self-discovery and healing! For myself, my journey with the various Healing Arts and Practices started in my teens, around the time Angela left for the US. At the University of the Philippines, I signed up for Tai-Chi for my Physical Ed class during my sophomore year in college, which was the start of my introduction to Energy Healing. As the only girl and eldest child with a mother who was away, I had to deal with my pubescent challenges mostly on my own. Since my mother was a Psychiatric Nurse in the Bronx, she understood the value of sound Mental Health practices as she reminded me to “always write things down,” which is when I started Journaling. In a way, this was how my mother became close to me despite her being oceans away.
I believe that my introduction to the Chi and my affinity to Angels was not a coincidence. My appreciation for Energy Healing and recognition of ethereal beings would remain with me to this day. I continue to seek the guidance of my Guardian Angel, Alisha, when seeking guidance or protection; but more so, for Archangel Michael for protection. I also seek guidance from my patroness St. Therese of Lisieux. She is my namesake as I was born on her Feast Day, October 1. This day is so blessed that we officially launch SS69 today, in honor of the Source, which she and our other spiritual or ethereal beings, including our dearly departed (hello to my Lolos, Lolas and Tita Myrna), are part of.

This is the same Source that played a key role in my own healing journey. In the past decade, I’ve endured challenges and losses. I’ve engaged in talk therapy and finally trauma-therapy in the past year. I was fortunate to have my parents with me during the first months of the pandemic as it finally allowed me to face past hurts and fears. Last year was a culmination of learned Healing Arts and Practices in the past decade, to include being at the receiving end of Reiki Healing (Hi Beth!) and when my fascination with Crystals (I received Crystal Healing Certification from the Practical Magic Store in Wilmington, NC) as tools for healing started. I also learned about Manna when I received my traditional/hand tapping tattoo by a well-known Hawaiian artist, who happened to meet the oldest Filipina “mambabatok.” Ancient Filipino Practices included Animism and Shamanism, which are also evident in other cultures. I adorn myself with tattoos not merely for arts’ sake but also for its Spiritual value. The above are recounts of what worked and continues to work for me in my Spiritual Journey, and this journey will be different for you.
SS69 is a source for tools that connect you with what makes sense for your journey. Angela and I may weigh-in on recommendations, however, trust that you were brought to this site for a reason and that you will learn to trust yourself in time to do what’s best for you—because I did throughout my own journey. I embrace both Western and Eastern Healing Arts and Practices. I was born into the Catholic faith, but I engage in Transcendental Meditation twice daily. I recognize the value of Yogic and Buddhist practices for our well-being. I also value exercise and nutrition. As a mental health provider, I value the benefits of talk therapy, cognitive- and/or behavior-based therapies, trauma-therapy (specifically Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing - EMDR as this is what worked for my childhood trauma); and also the value of psychotropic medications from the Western World.
So in summary, I value ALL modalities and practices of healing because there is no one set prescription for everyone’s well-being. Your prescription for well-being will be unique to you. Enjoy the journey. Your Journey. It’s one heck of a ride and the most fulfilling adventure you will allow yourself to delve into. Thank you very much for allowing Sacred Space 69 to be part of your Spiritual Journey. I am looking forward to being a witness in your healing. I wish you well.
And to Everyone who supported me and played an integral part throughout My Healing and Spiritual Journey, a big Thank You! Angela, my OG Guardian Angel, thank you for never giving up! Here’s to our craziness and to this next Big Adventure!
In Love and in Light,