Archangel Michael


Archangel Michael

Archangels are magnificent cosmic beings. They’re the richest rank in the order of Angels and Archangel Michael is the one to whom all the other Archangels and their legions defer. He is known as the Angel of Protection. All of us need to be protected, physically as well as spiritually. Archangel Michael is dedicated to keeping us safe, defending our souls and caring for us. Though Michael manifests power and protection, he also brings healing for our bodies and souls. In the early church, he was revered as the heavenly physician.

“In the name of my higher self, I call to the heart of my Father, Mother, God, and I call to Archangel Michael and my own Guardian Angel to protect and keep me and I ask you Beloved Ones to guard not only me but also all souls of light in the world.”

Archangel Michael serves on the blue ray, or God Flame, of the outermost sphere of the causal body. It relates to the qualities of power, will, faith, protection, direction, courage and obedience. It correlates to a spiritual energy center within your body, the throat chakra. This is your power center and it gives you the power of the spoken word. When you use it to bless life, to instruct to heal - in positive expressions that sphere of your own “I AM” presence increases in size. Likewise, the other spheres also increase as you express the attributes related to them. Thus, you grow in attainment and in manifestation of your real self.


Making Your Prayers Personal and Powerful

“In the name of the I am that I am, I call to you, beloved Archangel Michael, and your legions of blue flame angels. I ask you to ____________________ to this end, I decree…. I ask that my call be multiplied and used for the assistance of all souls on this planet who are in need. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God.

If you truly want to be free, pray fervently every day to Archangel Michael and ask him to deliver you if you want to stop smoking, drinking or overeating, if you want to get drugs out of your system, if you want to get your life in order so you can serve God better. Archangel Michael can assist you in overcoming these burdens.

Visualize Archangel Michael all around you, guarding you in every direction. Visualize his armor as the invincible Light of God coalesced as fiery diamonds and blue sapphires. See this powerful, majestic Archangel “cutting you free” with his spiritual sword of blue flame from addictions, burdens and limiting habits.

Archangel Michael
Elizabeth Clare, Prophet

Our special Angels Set, which includes 1 St. Michael Candle & Messages From Your Angels Oracle Cards available on our website.